Thursday, 14 April 2011

Murphy's Law in Design

This is definitely a new term to me, Murphy's Law. "Anything  that can go wrong, will go wrong" is the basic definition that i got from internet. For examples, bread will always fall jelly side down, you are late and your boss shown up, your computer crash before you saved your works, and when you  stuck in traffic, the other lanes will move faster.

If we apply the Murphy's Law in Design, the result will probably like this, you rushed your design works day and night and it ends up postponed, your clients will always NOT pick the design that you love, your printer will run out ink when you need it.

Well, this is just too pessimistic to me, i rather explain all these situations with unlucky, bad day or coincidence. I did experienced one or two of the situation but it's about my attitude and discipline problem, why the law doesn't apply on others peoples? For example the traffic situation.

I believe if you planned your schedule nicely, and complete all the task given and planned then things will be fine and it should be. It's about how you think, so think positively and be optimistic, what's the point of being pessimistic since the life is filled up with so many unexpected.

There are so many examples here, look at these and have a good laugh

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